ESG - Our responsibility

Mission Statement


Our mission is to support and enable a sustainable financial marketplace while limiting our impact on the environment, providing an equitable and inclusive workplace and conducting business in an ethical and responsible way.

Euroclear’s approach to sustainability

Our ESG strategy is built around five streams, with Marketplace at the centre. We aim to support and enable a sustainable financial marketplace. Our four complementary pillars ensure that we focus on what is material for us as a company and is in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We have built our ESG strategy based on multi-stakeholder engagements and a materiality assessment. We are continually reviewing this model together with our Management Committee and Board to ensure that we meet all of our stakeholders’ expectations.

A strong revised governance model ensures that we continue to monitor our impact on people and the environment and take appropriate action. For more information, see our sustainability report, which is set out in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and TCFD guidelines. We also report according to the UN Global Compact Principles.




Modern slavery and human trafficking statement

Euroclear is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains.





Our Vision for scaling up Sustainable Finance

We strive to facilitate and accelerate the development of a sustainable financial system. Euroclear can support a greater supply of sustainable investment opportunities by reducing barriers to issuance. As an FMI, we aim to foster trust and transparency in the sustainable finance market by enabling the processing of ESG information and improving its flow between market participants – from issuers to asset manager and asset owners. Our global footprint helps us further expand the reach of the market to more asset classes and participants.

Our action plan

We aim to create a single point of delivery for issuers to comply with ESG reporting needs

We envision the development of a single point of access for investors to meet on-demand needs for ESG data and analytics

We look to support a channel for sustainability guidance in the form of ESG taxonomies, standards and frameworks under development

Our achievements

  • Launched ESG service linked to collateral management business
  • Significant investment in Impact Cubed, building on our earlier investment in Greenomy
  • MFEX launched the European ESG template (EET) service for MFEX distributors


Our Ambition

Be an employer of choice by fostering a healthy, inclusive environment and attracting, developing and upskilling staff for the future needs of financial markets.

What We Will Do

Continue to create an environment where all employees feel valued, respected and fully engaged

Promote and nurture employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability or background

Ensure that we attract and develop the right skills to face current and future business needs and continue to train our staff accordingly

Actionable Goals

  • Global gender target to be maintained in the range of 45-55% of one gender as from 2023.
  • Min 40% of underrepresented gender at senior management (level 8 and above) by end 2026.
  • Maintain or improve the D&I scores in Employee engagement survey (non-discrimination 8.5, inclusiveness 8.1, diversity 8.5) as from 2023.
  • Maintain or improve overall engagement score of 7.7 in Your Voice survey as from 2023.
  • Track trend on internal vs external hires as from 2023.
  • Report on the number of hours of training/year/employee.

Our achievements

  • Agreed D&I targets and new D&I governance model to further embed D&I into all aspects of our business
  • Expanded our D&I Employee Communities to ensure that everyone has a voice
  • Partnered with +40 universities and education programmes worldwide through our Euroclear Campus Network initiative to ensure we have access to a broad talent pool
  • Launched new recruitment technologies improving candidate experience and inclusiveness of our communication
  • Invested in a talent market insight intelligence platform
  • 3,489 coaching and mentoring hours supporting the development needs of our people


Our Ambitions

Build a climate resilient business and support climate resilient financial markets by managing climate risk.

What We Will Do

Develop an ambitious roadmap to deliver near-term and net-zero science-based targets

Further enhance data collection and calculation allowing for more impactful actions

Work with key suppliers, partners and relevant initiatives to tackle global warming

Mature TCFD reporting and related recommendations

Embed a net-zero mindset into day-to-day operations through policy implementation, bottom-up initiatives, etc.

Actionable Goals

  • Annual Reduction of 7% of Scope 1+2 Emissions to achieve a 55% reduction by 2030, and a 90% reduction by 2050
  • Annual Reduction of 3% of Scope 3 Emissions – excluding Investments and Suppliers - to achieve a 28% reduction by 2030, and a 90% reduction by 2050
  • Engagement with suppliers representing 70% of total suppliers' emissions to have their own SBTs set by 2027

Our achievements

  • Public commitment to achieve net zero by 2050, at the latest
  • 2022 sustainability report in line with TCFD recommendations
  • Carbon emissions reduced by 17%
  • Extended partnership with Close the Gap to reduce e-waste
  • Science-based targets initiative accreditation achieved


Our Ambition

We strive to have a positive impact on our communities while reflecting our corporate values: Accountable, Helpful and Respect

What We Will Do

Continue to develop our charitable partnerships in line with our corporate values and purpose

Support the involvement of our employees in community projects and volunteering

Actionable Goals

  • 20% of all staff participating in company volunteering program in 2023
  • All charities supported by Euroclear to be linked to one of the Group’s community goals as defined in the Group’s ESG Policy, by end 2023
  • 100% of corporate charities to be screened in accordance with our ESG and ABC policy by end 2023.
  • Measure and report on impact for the largest charities supported.

Our achievements

Total amount of charitable donations: EUR

  • Donations made to NGOs supporting those impacted by the war in Ukraine
  • 104 local NGOs were granted a donation
  • Over 1,000 participants in our corporate volunteering programme
  • 70+ projects financed by our 5 local charity committees
  • 3,320 Junior Achievement students supported
  • 43 vulnerable children in rural Uganda provided with scholarships
  • 2 boat schools financed for an academic year in Bangladesh
  • 262 employees made use of our Matching Gift scheme (+38% from 2021)


Our Ambition

  • To ensure robust and transparent governance across Euroclear
  • To encourage effective and clear governance in our value chain

What We Will Do

Employ a high level of governance to ensure that we monitor our own and our stakeholders’ impact on the planet

Assess and regularly evaluate our continuing impact on the ESG regulatory landscape

Ensure a robust ESG assessment of our value chain

Actionable Goals

  • The Boards of ESA, Euroclear Holding and Euroclear Investments and each of ESA’s subsidiaries to contain at least one third of the under-represented gender, or at least 40% of non-executive directors to be composed of the under-represented gender, by 2026.
  • ESG policy published and embedded in all existing policies and handbooks across all entities & in all divisions
  • Compliance with voluntary and regulatory reporting commitments & obligations:
    • voluntary: GRI, TCFD, UN GC;
    • regulatory: NFRD, EU Taxonomy, CSRD and EU Due Diligence Directive
  • Supply chain
    • 100% Critical Service Providers (CSP) / Outsourcing Service Providers (OSP) / High spend NEW suppliers screened by end of 2023.
    • 75% CSP/OSP/High spend exising suppliers screened by end 2023.

Our achievements

  • Embedded ESG in the work plan of the Euroclear SA / NV Board (and in the work of the Euroclear Audit, Risk, Remuneration, and Nominations & Governance Committees)
  • Commitment to comply with TCFD and UN GC reporting recommendations, requirements and obligations
  • Simplified the Group Governance structure by moving Euroclear Investments to Belgium and simplified the Board structure
  • Strengthened supply chain approach and management, working with EcoVadis to help us assess our suppliers’ ESG maturity, especially relevant for us to reach our net zero ambitions
  • Ensured that ESG is addressed regularly by the Boards of Directors of Euroclear SA / NV subsidiaries

Sustainability report

Annually, we communicate our performance and impact on delivering a sustainable financial marketplace through our set ambitions. Find our latest Sustainability report here.

Read the latest news


Charlotte Shaw

Senior Corporate Responsibility Officer
Tel: +32 2 326 16 10

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Paul Symons

Chief Sustainability Officer
Tel: +44 (0)20 78 49 00 34

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