Public Registers of Shareholders

Access to public share registers

According to the Swedish Companies Act (ABL), we are obliged as a Central Securities Depository to provide information to whoever requests it about shareholders owning 500 shares or more in a particular company. These shareholders are collected in public registers of shareholders that we publish four times per year, i.e. every quarter.


Ordering a public share register

It is possible to order public share registers from us in exchange for a fee to cover our costs for printing and the work involved in preparing the register. In order to access public share registers, please contact or call 08-402 9150.

You are a data controller when you order a copy of a public share register

It is important to keep in mind than when you order a public share register, you are the data controller and thus legally obliged to comply with the provisions set out in GDPR.

If you would like to order a copy of a public share register, please send us an email stating the name of the company you are interested in, the company’s organisation number and the postal address you want the share register sent to.

You can visit our offices for access to public share registers

You can also visit our offices where you can access public share registers via a computer. If you want to consult a public share register at our premises, you can do so at our offices on Klarabergsviadukten 63 in Stockholm, all weekdays between 9:00-16:00.
NOTE: Closed on Tuesday 3 September 2024.

You can take notes during your visit but you will not be permitted to take photographs or make copies of the share register. Remember that you will need to present identification.

Ordering a public share register

08-402 9150